MM 2.3 Text Alternative


The following is a series of five multiple-choice questions. Make your best guesses. The answers are located at the bottom of this document.

  1. What percentage of mechanical engineers were women in 2011?
    1. 5.5%
    2. 10.5%
    3. 15.5%
    4. 20.5%
  2. What percentage of environmental scientists and geoscientists were men in 2011?
    1. 51.1%
    2. 61.1%
    3. 71.1%
    4. 81.1%
  3. What percentage of computer programmers were women in 2011?
    1. 15.8%
    2. 20.8%
    3. 25.8%
    4. 30.8%
  4. In 2009, 7.7% of male high school graduates had taken AP/honors physics. In comparison, what percentage of female high school graduates had taken AP/honors physics?
    1. 3.7%
    2. 4.7%
    3. 5.7%
    4. 6.7%
  5. In 2011, the median weekly earnings for men in architecture and engineering occupations was $1343. In comparison, what were the median weekly earnings for women in architecture and engineering occupations?
    1. $1040
    2. $1140
    3. $1240
    4. $1340


  1. a
  2. c
  3. b
  4. a
  5. b

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