Expand: Strategy 9 Resources
- Career Pathways Advisory Committee Toolkit
Developed by the National Career Pathways Network, the Advisory Committee Toolkit website includes tips, techniques, and worksheets for adopting a systematic process for working with committee members. The purpose of the toolkit is to help educators and business/industry representatives strengthen career and technical education programs within a career pathways system.
- DigiGirlz
DigiGirlz, a Microsoft YouthSpark program, gives middle and high school girls opportunities to learn about careers in technology, connect with Microsoft employees, and participate in hands-on computer and technology workshops.
- Federation for Advanced Manufacturing Education (FAME)
FAME is a collaborative group of manufacturers and other employers of technical workers whose purpose is to implement dual-track, work/study education that will create a pipeline of the most highly skilled new workers in the world. FAME works closely with educational institutions and other key contributing partners to establish and endorse programs and curricula that develop the necessary skill-sets for students to be prepared for the North American advanced manufacturing job market. Find FAME near you.
- Implementation of a Work-Based Learning Model
Created by the Manufacturing Advocacy and Growth Network, this working guide takes you through the steps of creating skilled work-based learning experiences for upper-level secondary students with an interest in advanced manufacturing careers.
- JFF – Our Research at Work: Work-Based Learning
This searchable resource data-base has a collection of tools and toolkits that are helpful as you embark on creating a work-based learning program for your students or if you want to evaluate your current program.
- Learning that Works Resource Center: Work-Based Learning
The Learning that Works Resource Center was developed through the New Skills for Youth initiative, a partnership of the Council of Chief State School Officers, Advance CTE and Education Strategy Group, generously funded by JPMorgan Chase & Co. The Resource Center is a curated collection of CTE resources on many topics, including work-based learning.
- Not as Hard as You Think: Engaging High School Students in Work-Based Learning
This report from Jobs for the Future (JFF) identifies and lays out strategies for addressing common concerns about real and perceived barriers to high school students' access to workplaces.