
MM 3.4 Strategies to Offset Micro-Inequities v2

Topic Progress:
Woman at computer with another woman watching

By Samar Saeed Akhtar (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0], via Wikimedia Commons

  1. Practice recognizing and interrupting a micro-inequity in class, such as interrupting, cutting off students of another gender or ethnicity, “teasing” at mispronunciations, etc.
  2. Consider that different populations perceive micro-inequities differently and that not all things mean the same to all people.
  3. Ward off subconscious micro-inequities by sending micro-affirmations. Focus on the strengths of the individual to filter potentially damaging comments or behaviors, such as portraying mathematicians and scientists of both genders and all ethnicities in the room, modeling awareness and respectfulness of culture in regard to STEM norms, teaching about growth/fixed mindset and then giving feedback for growth mindset behavior.
  4. Don’t let micro-inequities go unnoticed. Find a way to acknowledge the occurrence, and address it in a positive way, such as saying, “I know that Ellen was the note-taker the last few times and I am sure she is good at it! Ellen, please allow Javier to practice his note-taking skills and you take over as project lead. That way I’ll know each of you are good at all the tasks!”
  5. Model behaviors that redirect micro-inequities to micro-affirmations.
