NA 1.2 Goals and Objectives
In this module, you will become knowledgeable about
- some of the inequities associated with Native Americans in education;
- stereotypes and/or beliefs that you possess that could affect your teaching; and
- strategies to help you effectively teach Native American students.
After completing this module, you will be able to
- identify achievement and graduation gaps associated with Native American students;
- relate “The Single Story” to your own experiences and teaching;
- identify how traditional Native American values contrast with dominant society values;
- consider the implications of these contrasted values in your classroom environment, pedagogy, and curriculum;
- recognize that indigenous peoples, including Native Americans, have other ways of knowing that can complement the knowledge of traditional formal education;
- describe micromessages and their potential effects on students;
- apply strategies to address inequities; and
- develop a plan to improve your classroom teaching.
During this module, you will explore the barriers that Native American students face and that result in performance gaps, and you will learn strategies to close the gaps. Throughout the course, you’ll listen to a conversation between two teachers, Mr. Kirby and Ms. Two-Rivers, as they face issues similar to those that you might experience in your classroom.
If you are interested in learning more about micromessages, then you may find the separate module Micromessaging to Reach and Teach Every Student valuable. You may also contact NAPE about providing professional development regarding micromessages at your school.